Best Harmless Car Prank Ideas

Harmless, However, Awesome, Car Pranks A car is a Piece of a individual’s life. Never should you be doing or depreciate its value. With that said, there is no reason not to fuck with it. Keep in mind, your friend’s fear, frustration and confusion is the fuel to get you gold laughter. Leaving out things such as lunch and egging meat we have some examples of how you can leech these emotions. Here are 10 Harmless, But Awesome, Car Pranks.

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A Deer Friend

Believe it or not, this is fairly easy to do at home: you just require a deer along with a motor. Oh, and of course a speaker in the deer’s mouth. Notice, when you can just imitate their pranks at 15, why resort to Hollywood?

Where’s the Love?

It is very, very important that your friends know how much you love them … and that everyone else knows how much you really love your friends. VERY important.

Bottley Harm

Why, yes, if you leave a small empty bottle under a tire, when it breaks, it will sound like a tire. Why do you request?

Legos Can Do Anything

All right, Building a copy of the car from Lego of your boss is expensive, time consuming, and hard to control. It also happens to be really, really amusing.

Ol’ Smokey

And, naturally, if all else fails, then you may use a smoke bomb.

Fake Accident Note

Occasionally, Confusion is the thing. Mix with fear in a styrofoam cup as you serve your friend a tasty prank, and you’ll be enjoying yourself. Put under the windshield wiper having a super apologetic, but vague, statement concerning hitting the person’s car but needing to plunge due to your dog obtaining Crayola Crayon poisoning. As he falls back and forth searching for what happened, with nothing wrong with the vehicle, the individual will be running himself mad. Chances are, she or he will find some sort of scratch which was there before and blame it on the phantom law-breaker.

Squeal of Delight

Yeah, with Clients such as these, we would have a startle reflex that is very good too. We like how this one doesn’t involve any cars moving: just of terrifying your pals, the traditional fun.

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A Friend In Need Is a Friend to Prank

We assume this teaches him an important lesson. Get some new friends.

Colored Wiper Fluid

Brown to Get Dirt, red for blood, orange for Tangblue or blue for Powerade. Take your pick. Is drip a few drops of food coloring into the wiper fluid and you’re all set. Do us a favor and hide a GoPro so we are able to watch as his or her eyes bug out in terror and confusion regarding what is being sprayed all over their vehicle.

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